Game to play by Henna Lapinlampi

so May 2017 I had my first appearance with Traces of Hooping // Sound of Creating

it was a first step to this concept.



I was not quite sure where it will go ( still not sure :) ) but slowly it taking it shape.

At the firs event Kartanoise, I asked people to draw or write me a move or score and I got around 50 picture. 

I try them out, film small videos to my Instagram account @soundofhoops

and after that I have start to get these drawings from people around the world. 

it’s really fun and mind blowing but sometimes hard too.  

I will make own post of it but I need to share this one particular one. It’s made by my friend and colleague Emma Kenna, who visit here in Finland this January.

in this picture, there is so many levels how you can read, see or move it, that  only one video can’t be enough. Actually I could do whole performance about it :D

but that’s the fun part, person who make a picture can use their creativity and I can read it my way.

win win!! 

but here is video 

and later will write more about this game. Stay tuned 🖤 






In my mind by Henna Lapinlampi

at the moment my main focus is to create live performance for Traces of Hooping // Sound of Creating.

This week I’m spending my time in Sirkus Faktori’s artist recidency here in Tampere, Finland.

Today I tested new material and my ideas coming more clear.  What kind of materials I wanna use.

My performance will slowly getting somewhere.. slowly.

I see it will build from layers. Softly. 

I have another recidency period this year, then I’m more wiser again :) 


so this is what’s going on at the mo, just in case if you are interested 😘 




Experimental painting by Henna Lapinlampi

Last Sunday I went to see exhibition at Sara Hildén Museum and I was so inspired from the colors  I saw. 


so I went to my studio and had a fun sesh with exploring hoops and painting.. just a start but I find it interesting how my hand work when try to balance something on your forehead.



I tried with water colors and with pencils.


Results 😄  ..should try to turn these pictures for movements!!


Let’s explore and learn new things! 



Story paintings by Henna Lapinlampi



Every painting tells a story.




From artist to explorer. To get some inspiration for everyday movements. 


OOOPS! There is fish in your forehead

These paintings are already have a new home but more to come... 


🖤 Henna Matanuska

Dialog by Henna Lapinlampi

So as I was writing before about these pictures, which turn to movement, I want to talked about that bit more.

Hula hooping for me is express myself. I love some tech but most inspiring thing is to explore, what more you can do, what more you can find, how you can invent new things.

What ispire me to move is shapes and and I can clearly see movement in them. So picture what I got from people, are proposal to move, or make a score. And funny thing is that there are layers, so it’s not just one move.

Here are examples:

In this picture, there are curvy lines, I see that my path and how I should move. Litlle spots are stops. 

Curvy is soft so I think one part of my body, in this case knees. How my soft knees move, they bend. So that’s a main thing in a move.  

Bend your knees

Bend your knees

Here in video you can see bendy knees. Rest of that is improvising, where the hoop goes. 

So that’s the other thing.. 

When the starting point is how the body move, how I dance, then what does the hoop?

But You can always start to think first the hoop move/trick and then come to question how you move or dance.

In this next picture, I see loops. So I started to think what hoop move/trick it could be..


It somehow remind me of knitting, so continuous loops would be the move..

And below there is video, what I made it.


So working whit drawings, you have many options to develop your creative thinking with objects and body movement.

And beside person who draw this picture for me, can also use her creativity but also get some new view or level for her drawing from my movement.

It´s a dialog between two creative minds.

want to know more?

Get in touch and we can get deeper :)

Much love,


You draw, I dance by Henna Lapinlampi

I always find inspiration for my work from places I never been before or by shapes I see while I wait bus or walking in a forest.  

You draw, I dance. Your art comes part of my dance and we can share our creativity together. Fascinating!

Here are 30 different pics or writings you chose to made to me.

I now working on them, first sharing some idea, later will go deeper. 


First ten moves/scores... 

part 2 

Part 3


Next ten moves/scores will come later this autumn and you will find them in Instagram @soundofhoops

I will make workshop with this technique in some point, but that's another story. 


All the best,

Henna Matanuska